Millennials Might Not End Up Living Alone After All

photoOur world has changed significantly. It is not like it was even sixty years ago. Especially when it comes to economy. People are used to think that the United States have quite a high level of living standards, especially comparing to Central and Easters European countries. Recent crises, collapses and ongoing conflicts have great impact on the economy, which is thought to be one of the strongest in the world … Read the rest

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What Does it Take to Become a Financial Writer?

digital marketingSince humanity had invented writing systems and especially book press, writing became a major part of social life. People, as information consumers, want to read interesting and relevant articles on different topics. During twentieth century and with the beginning of twenty first century the demand on writings has become even higher. On top of that, economic and finance issues are hot-button topics nowadays. But before delving into details of our … Read the rest

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The 5 Fundamental Types of Business Documents

marketingAll companies use different types of documents. It is actually impossible to run a business without any documentation. They are usually prepared and written by employees, though sometimes some specific types of documents require a profession from outside the stuff. So in this business documents guide we present to you the five main types of business documents:

  1. The most common one is Memorandum or just simply Memo. It can differ
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6 Best Books on International Economics for Your Academic Papers

read bookWhen the question is about writing an academic paper, there are two essential elements every student must have in his/her kit to cope with the task. The very first one is related to the hooking topic that can be easily researched. As for the second one, it’s related to the books that can be used as a solid ground for the paper. The subject of international economics requires the author Read the rest

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Case Study on IT Outsourcing Company

outsourcingA great range of immediate benefits can be easily gained by the outsourcing IT services.  First of all, the matter concerns the IT costs control. The point is that fixed IT costs can be converted by means of outsourcing into variable costs. This in turn provides you with an opportunity to build your budget as effectively as possible. To cut the long story, you have to pay for what you … Read the rest

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How to Write a Good Case Study?

Writing a good Case study easily can be identified as one of the hardest puzzles that must be solved in any kind of situation. The first problem that one will experience whenever doing a case study easily is the aspect of finding the appropriate problem that needs to be solved. In any context the case must have adequate information for the purpose of getting the readers to understand the problem … Read the rest

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